We have a vision to improve the genetics of the livestock in India and increase the availability and affordability of the cheapest source of protein -‘MILK’.
TAG has commercialized Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in bovine industry. This would assist in increasing the productivity of milk, and help increase income of farmers.
We offer Artificial Insemination (AI) an advanced reproductive technology that increases the productivity, and In Vitro Fertilization – Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) technology that provides breeders the opportunity to obtain high pedigree animals.
TAG has commercialized Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in bovine industry. This would assist in increasing the productivity of milk, and help increase income of farmers.
We offer Artificial Insemination (AI) an advanced reproductive technology that increases the productivity, and In Vitro Fertilization – Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) technology that provides breeders the opportunity to obtain high pedigree animals.

It started as a noble intention, and with skills and dedication we could bring into existence our purpose of making Artificial Insemination reach maximum locations in India.
A powerful tool applied for livestock improvement, Artificial Insemination is the technique of collecting living sperms from superior quality bulls and introducing it into the female animal’s reproductive tract for the purpose of conception.
We believe in holistic growth, and hence our goal is not only to provide appropriate technology (AI) to breeder farmers, but also training rural crowd as AI technicians to achieve increased conception.
There are number of advantages of AI:
We believe in holistic growth, and hence our goal is not only to provide appropriate technology (AI) to breeder farmers, but also training rural crowd as AI technicians to achieve increased conception.
There are number of advantages of AI:
- Effective use of bulls as one ejaculate of semen can produce multiple doses
- Superior quality bull semen can be made accessible to farmers
- No need to maintain breeding bulls, as AI helps preserve high quality germplasm via bio-repository
- AI Semen is tested to avoid STDs
- Progeny testing can also be done at an early age.
We are on a mission to change the gene game forever. Our proprietary IVF-ET technology has the potential to change the outlook of cattle breeding industry completely.
In Vitro Fertilization Embryo Transfer technology is an amalgamation of steps and technologies to get to the final result. Generally, the process comprises of two main components:
- Generating and obtaining oocytes from elite donor heifer or cow
- Fertilizing those using High Merit Semen Doses, and incubating them to develop into embryos
TAG is the first Indian company to commercialize IVF-ET. Our experts opine that it is a unique proposition providing solution that eradicates the need to use vaccines, instead introduces a better concept of preserving superior genetics.
Here’s what you gain through IVF-ET:
Here’s what you gain through IVF-ET:
- The technology helps improve cow’s reproductive efficiency
- The process allows breeder farmers to obtain offsprings from breedable cows, virgin heifers and cows that cannot be impregnated through conventional breeding attempts
- It helps enhance the rate of genetic gains, and advance marketing opportunities
- Dairy farmers can jump on next generation of animals quickly without altering other aspects of their breeding program